Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My little sister and her husband have adopted a collie mix from the shelter. He is 9 weeks old and adorable. She brought him over to meet his cousins, my nine year old lab mix Evan and my 2 year old lab Molly. You can imagine he is not much bigger than their paws seeing they both weigh over 75 pounds. He was not scared and when you held him towards the other dogs face he pawed at them like a young cat. At one point he tried to nurse from Molly, she can’t sit still for two seconds so that didn’t last. Then he walked over to Evan and began to try and nurse from his………yea little man that is not what you want. Evan politely sidestepped away from the confused 9 week old pup. Sampson (the pup) falls over constantly but had no fear with tackling the steps or the bigger dogs. My favorite was how he would just suddenly plop down out of exhaustion. My other favorite part was when my sister walked in our house and eyed the black hair on the wood floors. “Um when did you last sweep?” I laughed and told her, “Yesterday!” My sister the neat freak is going to love all of the hair!

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Oh, but how sweet when they're so little.