Sunday, February 15, 2009

Strep Throat

I have finally gotten out of bed and put on real cloths after three days with strep throat. I have decided it is the worst thing to have that does not put you in the hospital. My body was so depleted of energy that I had 200 pages left of the 4th book in the Twilight series left and I could not finish it, because it was too heavy for my sick arms to hold. Then I tried to lie on my stomach with a pillow propped under my chin and the book lying on another pillow so I did not have to hold it. My throat was so sore that it hurt to be touched from the outside and so the whole pillow under the chin thing was torture. So I watched a lot of TV. I have the sheets in the washer and I have disinfected the bedroom, a is door open to the balcony so that fresh air can replace the germy air. Now I am off to get some Thai soup to begin replacing all the nutrients I have lost due to not being able to swallow any food since this sickness took possession of my body.

The first time I got strep throat I was in kindergarten. My mom had just been given her reel to reel movies of when she was growing up. She set it up to watch on her bedroom wall. As the light flickered on the wall and the back and white image came to life I turned to her and asked when she took these of me? She responded, “This is me!” Yes we look very much alike. I still remember watching them as my body became made of lead and my throat became a pit of fire. I missed my last day of kindergarten because of strep throat.

This time I was sitting outside at a bar drinking whiskey on the rocks. I had a blanket wrapped around my shoulders wondering why I was the only one that was cold. Then my body became heavy and my throat began to burn.

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